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Pakistani Architect Yasmeen Lari Wins RIBA Gold Medal for Her Humanitarian Efforts

Image Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBhhuyXmSWg

Yasmeen Lari, a Pakistani architect and humanitarian, has won the prestigious Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) 2021 International Prize for her exceptional contributions to architecture and social impact. With over five decades of experience in architecture, Lari is known for her innovative work in sustainable and socially responsible design.

Lari has dedicated her career to designing low-cost, disaster-resistant homes for communities in need, as well as preserving and restoring historic landmarks. Her commitment to "tackling the pressing issues of our time through the power of architecture" has earned her recognition from the RIBA jury. Lari is the first Pakistani architect to receive this award, and her work serves as an inspiration to architects and designers around the globe.

Born in 1941, Lari is a graduate of the Oxford School of Architecture and began her career in the 1960s. After working on commercial projects for many years, she became disillusioned with the industry and turned to humanitarian work. She established the Heritage Foundation of Pakistan, a non-profit organization that promotes the preservation of cultural heritage, and has been working on numerous projects that use architecture to bring positive change.

One of Lari's most significant achievements is the restoration and preservation of the Makli Necropolis, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Pakistan. The site is a vast funerary complex with tombs dating back to the 14th century, and it was threatened by neglect and environmental damage. Lari's innovative conservation approach focused on community engagement and sustainable design, and it has been successful in preserving the site.

Lari's designs have also helped to provide shelter for people affected by natural disasters and displacement. Her low-cost, disaster-resistant homes have been implemented in areas prone to earthquakes and floods, providing safe and comfortable housing for those in need.

In her acceptance speech, Lari stressed the importance of using architecture to bring about positive change. "As architects, we have a duty to use our skills to create buildings that not only meet the needs of our clients but also contribute to society in a meaningful way," she said.

The RIBA International Prize, which is awarded every two years, recognizes architectural excellence and social impact around the world. Lari's work has made a significant impact on communities in Pakistan and beyond, providing shelter for people affected by natural disasters and displacement while also preserving cultural heritage and promoting sustainable development.

To learn more about Yasmeen Lari's work and how architecture can bring about positive change, check out the Heritage Foundation of Pakistan website or read some of Lari's interviews and articles. Lari's achievements are significant and inspiring, and her work demonstrates the power of architecture to create a better world for all.


